Wednesday, February 18, 2009

At the Market-

Going to the market is like a safari - it it full if trphies to be bagged and pitfalls to be avoided. The best thing to do is to shop for the canned goods first then meats, produce and then frozen. This is because the folks that plan supermarket know that any extra shopping will occur when you come in and see all kinds of goodies that are not on your list.

To get away from this, you should walk briskly to the first aisle and avoid the perimeter until you have the bulk of your purchases in the basket.

Once all the dry/canned stuff has been gotten, You can head over to the produce section. There is already visually less space for you to pick up all the extra things that they have in the endcaps on the perimeter of the markets. After your produce is wrangled, head to the meat section and pick up what you need. Once the meat is in the basket, you need to realize that you shouldn't dally and get home quickly. The reason that the frozen section is last is that it will help keep the meats cold until you get home.

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