Sunday, June 16, 2013

BACH Allegro - Day 3

Low and behold I got to church on time.

I treated a friend and her kids to pizza afterwards - she needed the adult conversation.

I went to Store #2 to see if any turkey thighs were coming up on manager discount.  I was thinking of using them with my butter chicken sauce.  A pack is ready tomorrow - will see if I can get them.

Went to the Asian store to see if there was any duck to be had.  There was not.  I was good and did not buy anything.

Did not feel like doing any cooking today - I have a few things I want to do tomorrow. 

Food $XX.    Allowance $XX

Friday, June 14, 2013

BACH Allegro - Day 2

Didn't get a lt of sleep and I wanted to work on my home garden today - it is if full of rehad trash from the house next store.  Will have to ask my neighbor why it is there and when it will be moved.

Have to work tomorrow evening when I wasn't expecting to.  Will try and do some shopping before I hit the hay.

Treated two of my guys to coffee this evening- karma bank deposit.  They have been really helpful this week.  Also found five bucks so I came out even.

Food Total $00.   Allowance - $7.00

Thursday, June 13, 2013

BACH Allegro - Day 1

I spent the morning in New York and was very good and did not go shopping in the local supermarkets - I didn't even get a soda for the road.

Got home and went to my Master Gardeners' Class.  We worked for about 15 minutes when the sky got very dark.  We all got back to our cars about two minutes before the deluge started.  I got home and was able to rest for a little over an hour before work.

Got my first bill from all the testing I had done recently.  I get to add it to the pile of bill I am blessed to pay this weekend

I did really well this week I spent as much on tolls to and from NYC as I did  groceries.  I still have a few days of meals so I can take my time before I shop.  I need to get my coupons together before I do any big shopping

Food Total - $00.  Allowance $2.00

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

BACH Canon - Day 7

Went to New York this monring for a funeral.  Made decent time.

I chatted with family for about 1.5 hours before we actually went to the wake and funeral- 4.5 hours later we got back home.

I bought a 2L soda so we could have something to drink we we talked later.

Food Total $27.31   Allowance $22.08

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

BACH Canon - Day 6

Today I made ketchup and mustard. I also made the nagaimo augratin (it was slammin') and a pot of rice.  I realized I did not have cayenne to put in the ketchup but I used pomegranite vinagarette for extra zing.

The batch of mustard was not a lot but I really don't use a lot of it at any one time.  I think the next time batch will get a few dollops of honey.

I wanted to spend money but I have to go to NYC for a funeral tomorrow and I have to buy gas and tolls. 

I looked at the cat food bag and Fatbutt should be good till the end of the week.

Food Total -$25.06  Allowance - $9.08

Monday, June 10, 2013

BACH Canon - Day 5

It rained cats and dogs this morning.   I did not have to water my class garden and I just stayed home until my doctor's visit.

I wanted to go to the store on the way back but I really didn''t need anything.

I had a few hours of rest and worked on getting my DVR programs reduced. 

Food Total $25.06    Allowance $9.08

Sunday, June 9, 2013

BACH Canon - Day 4

I treated myself to my first regular soda in almost three weeks. The caffeine dosage was well within what I am allowing myself.

Church was good today - I even got there early.  We had bagels after service and I had half of a cinnamon raisin one.

There were Indian and Halal grocery stores on the way back home.  There was nothing I needed but will keep them in mind when I need ingredients down the road.

Went to the Asian Store and returned the unneeded spice.  I did not purchase anything.

Went to Store #2 and bought the paper - I did not see anything I needed.

Food Total for the week- $25.06.     Allowance $9.08

Saturday, June 8, 2013

BACH Allegro - Day 3

Today was brutal.....

Stayed an extra hour at work this morning and so I deciced to do some shopping.

Shopped at Store #2 and I ams still on a hunt for some veal.

Next stop was Walmart - the cat had no food for two days and I needed paper plate.  I found a red velvet cape mix for a buck so I picked it up for when I want something sweet when company is coming for dinner.

Went to the Asian Store and picked up some fruit.

I treated myself and got my new phone today (my old one has being steadily marching to its demise) and I did not have to put down a deposit.  It does not have a belt clip so I will see if I can find one.

Food $XX.   Allowance $XX.

BACH Canon - Day 3

It is an especially tight week.  I figured I allow myself two packages of protein and some fruit if it is really good - cherries and blueberries are in season right now.

I made a shopping list for the low-sodium condiments I want to make.  I went to Store #1 and wrote down the prices of the spices I needed. I bought two cards and a mailer for $2.96.

Next I went to the post office and mailed them -$1.12

I went to the Asian store and found all the spices I needed at a reasonable price.  I still wanted to give Store #2 a try so I went there. I was able to buy a container f Kosher salt for .79! I picked a  few things on my list and plopped $5.26 on the counter.

I went back to the Asian store and spent $14.96 on spices, produce and fruit. I

I went to Store #3 and didn't see anything I needed.

I went back to Store #1 and picked up the last of the things on my list for $7.33.

 I found out that I did not need one of the spices so I can return it tomorrow.

Total for the day was $27.55 for food and $7.08 for allowance.

Friday, June 7, 2013

BACH Canon - Day 2

Went to Store #2 to see if they had what I was hankering for - they did not.  Bought the paper and went home.  I decided that I would only play the lottery half the amount I normally do and save the rest for my trips.  It was good to deposit money into a piggy bank.

Got up and it was pouring.  I decided that I would do kitchen work tomorrow and put together a shopping list.  I have a handful of spices to get and a few other things to get so I can  experiment.  I found some empty jars so I do not have to buy any.    I realized I need to do a spice run.  Will look to see if there is one within 15 minutes of me.

Checked and found it is another time of more days till the next check.  The only thing I really need to buy one before I get paid is a tank of gas.  The pennies I have can cover gas and groceries.  I guess I am glad that I decided to revert to my BACH state before I looked at my monies....;)  I can take solace in the fact that my bills that were due before the check were paid so I do not have to throw money away on late fees.

I treated one of my guys to coffee tonight -haven't done anything for the karma bank lately and he did me a couple of solids this week.

Working on amusing myself for the rest of the summer.  I signed up for a writer's camp for July that is over the web and will only cost me time until I want to buy something to commemorate the event.  That will be later.

Food Budget $00.00     Allowance $3.00

Thursday, June 6, 2013

BACH Canon - Day 1

Today was my wierd day.  I got out of work late and had to be up at 4:30 to go to my Master Gardener's class.  I still have a fairly full refrigerator.  I was able to pull lunch and dinner together  and pack them in less than five minute - how cool is that?  I have not had any chocolate for almost two weeks and I am jonesing bad. 

Made a wine run today so I could look at Brenda with a huge glass of Merlot.....  Dont' know what bucket to put that purchase in.  Another pondering for the weekend.

Food -  $00.00        Allowance - $00.00?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

BACHness Reboot - Day 7

Found recipes for homemade condiments ( ketchup, mustard, bbq sauce, salad dressings) that I have most of the ingredients for in my cabinets.  I was told it was going to be a rainy Saturday, so I might do some kitchen work.  After that I can relax with a book and a big glass of merlot.

I need jars to put my condiments in - I will go through my recycling bags ans see what I can reclaim.

Spent no money today.   Still trying to come up with a good number for allowance.  I realize that I need a slush / petty cash fund for things like a pantry rebuild / cleaning supplies / house beautification/ etc.  Hopefully in the next few days, I will have a starting number.

Food Total - $50.02    Allowance  - $42.11

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

BACHness Reboot - Day 6

Went to Store #2 and  got two  manager specials - one I might consider sharing- $3.89.  This will make sure I have enough protein for a week.

I spent two hours cooking and filled my refrigerator with cooked protein, roasted corn, cut fruit and two starches.  I also left a clean sink.  I have enough food for a week of dinners so I may have to buy some fruit sometime soon.

I got a free coffee at Starbucks today but I will have to reload my card soon.

I bought lottery tickets today but I think it is time to save it for my trip.

Food Total - $50.02      Allowance - $38.11.

Monday, June 3, 2013

BACHness Reboot -Day 5

I went to water the garden for my Master Gaedener's class and it was raining so I did not have to.  Still got the volunteer hour.  I also worked on my herb bed.

Had to get gas on the way home.  The price dropped two cents a gallon as I pulled up - is God not good?

I went to K-mart and found that their garden stuff was on sale and I bought a single small oak barrel that I can definitely use after gardening season.

I went to Store #2.

Food total  - $50.02    Allowance - $31.11

Sunday, June 2, 2013

BACHness Reboot - Day 4

I did not make it to church today- I guess I needed nore than a nap between work and watching the babies.  Bought the paper on the way home from work.

I did my rounds of shopping - Store #2 got two good manager specials.  I looked at my neighbor's freezer and it was still full so I can keep the specials for me.  Definitely worth the $2.65.

Went to the Asian store and got some fruit (including some really good peaches), herbs for my next batch of cooking experimentaion, pork mucle and some cooked udon noodles. I wanted the sauce that goes with the noodles but the sodium is off the charts and a no-no right now.  Will do some research for low-sodium sauces.

Went to a new store (Store #3) and saw some stuff.  It was nothing I really needed and since what I already had in the car would stuff my refrigerator, I refrained.

Food total - $28.16            Allowance -$15.84

Saturday, June 1, 2013

BACHness Reboot - Day 3

I am on a mission these days - being new diagnosed with high blood pressure, I need to make food that is flavorful and low- sodium.

I went to Store #2 and found the yogurt I like on sale.  I parsnips on manager special and treated myself to some ice cream .   Total was $10.08.

I put in13 hours today.  I was good and did not buy the burger that I really wanted.  I did buy lottery tickets but since I am not getting much of any return, I am thinking about stopping them for a bit.

Food Total $ 28.16      Allowance $ 15.84

Friday, May 31, 2013

BACHness Reboot - Day 2

Had to go to do my Master Gardener Herb Bed today.  Donna said she is only there on Fridays and needed to see how I did the bed to make suggestions.  After 3 hours in the gruelling (and I do mean gruelling) sun, the herb bed was all put in and I only had to transpose two plant.  Now all we need is the labels and the sign.  Will talk to Richelle on Sunday.  Also got a tomato plant from my teacher.

Had to gas up the car. Found a gulf station that is 20 cents cheaper a gallon than anything I can get around here and it is not out of my way.  As I was pulling in they were changing the gas prices and I saved an extra two cents per gallon.

Went to Store #1 and got junk - I was needing it.$4.79 will let me have junk for the next week.

 the paper, the new Garlic/ Sea Salt Potato Chips I wanted, Ice Pops I need for when I'm having a personal summer and some tea. Total was $13.39

Bought lottery tickets.  Haven't decided when I will go lenten on them again. 

Food -  $18.08        Allowance- $9.84

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Starting over -BACHness of life -Day 1

It has been a while.  The family trip was great and I was able to have the funds I needed to have a good time.  I actually came home with a little wad of monies- yeah.

Life has been full tilt since I stepped off the plane.  I will be atempting to recap over the next week.

I have two trips plan for the fall.  That means I need to return to  BACH state until the end of the year.

I had a good start this week.  My food budget is still the same but I am doing a little extra for a pantry rebuild.  I have been working on it for the last month and I am just about done.

I have used most of my cooked protein.  Store #1 -

Week Total -       Allowance -

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 6

Today I spent no money but it wasn't because I did not want to - I was plum exhausted.

I went to see if I had to do taxi duty for the first time in two weeks and thankfully I did not. I went home and had breakfast.  I had to call back to work to see if something was ordered so I did not get to bed until late.

I will try and do a pantry run over the weekend.  I hope the asian store has the rice I like restocked - they had small bags but I like to get a big bag and not worry for at least three months.

I have a little bit before the trip and I need to see if I have clothes to wear.  Still working on getting luggage.

Food total $35.22.  Allowance $0.00

Monday, March 18, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 5

Today was a recoup day.  I slept in and bascically styed on the couch until it was time to go to work. 

I paid off a bill and paid down another today. I think I can swing another one later in the week.

Did some research today on recipes to make energy bars.  I found one that did not have things I can't do in it.  I will put in on my list for the next time I want to experiment with recipes.  I will see if they have one without nuts so my sister can try them.

I deposited $13 in my lottery bucket today because the powerball is over $200 million for Wednesday.

Food total  $35.22.  Allowance is 0.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 4

I was at work until 3:15AM this morning.

I went home and crawled into bed for a few hours.  I made it to church at 10:39 and went straight to the nursery- taking care of the babaies was the only reason I was able to crawl out of bed.

I had to get gas and it was .2 less than what I usually get. I did not have any points to get anyting off but I should be able to use the card the next time I need to gas up. I am amazed that I did eight days on that tank.

After class, I went to the greehouse and I only had an hour of work.  I was okay with it.  I was able to go shopping before cantata practice.  I got a two pack of chicke legs for $.79.   I also did recon for some stuff I need to get- coffee, tomamto sauce, toilet paper to name a few.  Supermarket 2 came in at $9.03.

I stopped at the asian store and got some fruit.  I found chicken hearts at a price I would pay. I saw mini mooncakes and I bought myself a pack- 4 for $3.25 is a little steep but it is my comfort purchase today.  The rice that I usually buy in the large bag was not available.  Asian store total $15.21.

I still have a bunch food in the fridge.With the protein bought and cooked today, I should be good for lunches for a few days.

Food total is $35.22.  I have not used any allowance money this week.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 3

It was a rough day.  I was exhausted from the week and I got to work just before the shift started.

I got treated to fried rice and roasted duck.  It was a very hard day and the duck went a long way to make me feel better.

I went to Starbucks and said hello to my baristas who I hadn't seen  in almost two weeks. 

I am amazed that I can wait another day to get gas.

Food total $10.98.   Allowance $15.84

Friday, March 15, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 2

Today I had great news - my downstairs neighbor told me he got a job!!! I am so excited for him. I gave him the stuff I scored yesterday.  He told me he was very appreciative for all the food I have given him in the past two years.

The Lord was kind to me today.  I called about a tour for my family trip and found out that since I only wanted to change the date, they did not have to charge me the cancellation fee.  I also booked a second tour that was a little cheaper than the first one.  The agent also told me about weather there for when I should be there.

 Knocked off another bill today.   It felt good.  I alos put another $4 in the lottery jar since I found out that the Powerball is over 200 million. I really want to play it but it it still lent so I will keep my fast.

I went past Lowe's today and saw plants outside.  I am sorely temptes but haven;t figured out ow much to spend on the garden this year.  I still have a few weeks.

I went to Supermarket #1 and got the weekly circular and did some recon.  There is a deal I' m interested in tomorrow.

I bought a paper for a dollar.

Food total is $11.98 for the week.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

BACH  Humoresque - Day 1

I got free breakfast today courtesy of Starbucks.

I went to Supermarket 2 and found specials for my downstairs neighbor.  He still has $3.60 lesft for the week. I found a great sale but it is frozen and I can't get it until tomorrow. 

I am going to try my truffle recipe this weekend and needed some semi-sweet morsels.  I found a printable coupon that the store doubled. Yeah.

Chatted with my sister and I am going to book tours for our trip - I can't believe it is soon.  It is going to be a blast.

Paid off some bills and I have one more to work on in the next two months.  Found out a friend is doing a walkathon and I pledged some money.  It will be worth a few more pasta dishes to sponsor him .  I still have at least seven days worth of prepared protein in the fridge so I don't have to do a big shop until later in the weekend.

Food total is $10.98 for the week.  I want to go over this week a bit so I can do some pantry rebuild.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 7

Went to Walmart and got my $3.08 refund today.

Spent no money.Will need gas in the next few days.

Worked on the budget and I will always be a BACH if I don't win the lottery or marry rich.

Food Total - $54.11 and Allowance $14.17.

Found truffle recipes which I will try this weekend.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 6

Went to the dollar store before work and found 2 laundry bags for $4.04.  I will take the one back to Walmart tomorrow.

I made cashew butter today before work and took a CB&J in for lunch.  It could have been a teensy bit smoother but it didn't matter when I spread it on the bread.

 Off the top of my head, I need to buy a bag of rice (20lb. for somewhere near 20 bucks.)  I also am low on fire roasted pureed tomoatoes and BBQ sauce - I will see the cost of buying vs. making a batch..  I will go through the cabinets to see what else I need.

Realized I need to replace my luggage.  I was not planning on doing that but the stuff I have is 15 years old and tearing.  I will be praying for a great sale and I can actually have a choice of luggage.

Food total $54.11 and $17.25 of my allowance but I will get a refund tomorrow.

Monday, March 11, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 5

I spent no food money but I found I needed to replace a lightbulb in my hallway. It cost $2.13

I also have to replace my laundry bags that have been holding on by a wing and a prayer.  I went to Wakmart and they did not have the ones I wanted and the one I picked up was $3.08.  I will go the dollar store tomorrow and see if I can get the ones I really want and hope they are cheaper.

I reloaded the starbucks card so I should be good till the weekend.

I was looking through the pantry and saw I needed to replace some staples.  I will make a list over the next few days and see how I will pay for it.

I ate my last piece of chocolate - it took my 12 days to finish my valentines' heart. I will try to do the truffles soon.

Food total is still $54.11 and $13.21 from the allowance.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 4

I didn't realize I was weary until I was telling myself I could not fall down in the supermarket because it would not do.

I hit a gold mine for my neighbor and I still had 25 cents left of what I budgeted for him.  Store 2 was $23.33

I went to the Asian store and got a lot of fruit and the coolest lunch set I have seen in a while - a collapsible fork, spoon and chopstick set for $2.00 that I can leave I can leave in my desk.  All I need is a knife. Got some stuff for the cooking pantry and I was able to get a bag of nagaimo ends for $1.55.  Recipe search for this evening.  Total was $25.53.  Saved 8.33.

I put $4 in the lottry bucket.

Food total for the week is $54.11.  I will probably go over a little this week but will do what I can to make it up next week.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 3

I went to Philly today and spent the day with Flora, my best friend.  Since I did not see her for her birthday last year, I treated her for the day.

We went to a diner and had waffles and scrapple (a Philly thing). We went to the Flower Show and Reading Terminal.  I bought some beautiful asparagus for $2.  I bought raw sugar at the Amish stand and saw that it has only gone up .10/ lb since I started using the jar I put it in at least 15 years ago. I was able to stay under my budget for the day.  I had the energy bars I brought home yeterday on the trip so I only needed to buy something to drink.  I wonder if there is something I can plug into my cigarette lighter so I can keep drinkd cold in the car on long trips -worth looking into.

I had to get gas on the way back but only stopped 6 times between when I gassed up and pulled up at my door.  I went to the supermarket and was able to get the day's paper so I could to the crossword.  I didn't see anything to pick up for my neighbor.  Maybe I will have better luck tomorrow.  I also got cat food so Fatbutt is good for the next rwo weeks.

Food total - $4.25 for a total of $5.25 for the week.

Friday, March 8, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 2

I was off today and had things to do before I head out to Philly.  Got my hair done and bought a tire and an oil change - all of them much needed.  I set up my hair appointment for four weeks out.  I tried to get my coolant topped off but the garage said I didn't need it.  We will see.  I just need one more tire and I should be able to get that into two weeks.

I amost paid off another credit card today.  I will clear it in two weeks and can put whatever I buy at the flower show on it - it is my garden credit card after all ;).

I bought a paper for a dollar.  Since I am goin to Philly tomorrow, I don't need to go shopping until I get back.  My neighbor gave me a bag of rice - that was sweet. I will use it when I cook for him in the next few weeks.

Before the weekend is up, I want to see how much I saved in coupons so I can add it to my Hawaii nest egg. 

Food Total is $1.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 1

I worked days today and sat in a meeting for four hours.  I bought lunch for $8.00 - a huge burger and fries.  I wanted to have lunch with the receptionist but I came early so I ended up eating with a fellow supervisor.  I had Master Gardening class this evening but I did not make a pit stop for a soda.  We actually got out a little early and I was able to get to bed early. 

I paid off a credit card today.  It felt good.  When I was checking my bank account, I saw a charge I didn't remember making.  I called them up and found out it was automatic renewal for a magazine I get.  I called up and had them take the auto charge off.

Food Total for the week is still $0. because the burger was out of my allowance.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 7

I worked 2nd shift today and I felt it.   I had the M&Ms I found during the week and I really needed them.  I bought extra snacks to get me through the evening.

I also had a free drink on my Starbucks card so I didn't have to reload until the weekend. 

Food total for the week is $42.60 . I was able to save $10.92 on food for the last two weeks and a total of $15.96 for the last four weeks.  Into the Hawaii nest it will go.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 6

I made an unusual discovery today- I actually have consumed most of the food that was in my refrigerator five days ago.  Because I am on day shift, I have to pack a food because I leave so early (6AM start). I was thinking I had run out of protein but I found a veal chop for tomorrow and I still have stuff in the freezer.

There is a snowstorm heading this way that is supposed to be here tomorrow night.  I did not pack in but I have at least three more days food before I feed the need to do serious cooking again.  I also have snacks so if the store has little on the shelves, I will be alright.

Started looking at my shopping list for Thursday.  I won't be getting the .40/gallon off this week because I do not need anything that they are offering to get it.  I might be able to swing .20/gallon off.

I am supposed to be going to Philly this weekend.  The more I think about it, the more I just want to go for Saturday.  I bought two gallons of oil because I used the last of what I had and I need to get an oil change.  Another quart will keep me until Friday and I still have on at the ready.

Food total is still holding at $42.60.

Monday, March 4, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 5

Today was a good day.  I found out how much my bonus and raise actually are. I will stay on another year and plan where I can go next year.

I had an empty food container waiting for me when I got home which means my neighbor enjoyed the chicken I made.  Glad it was enjoyed.

I spent no money today.  Food total is holding at $42.60.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 4

It was a day of suprises.  I found a bag of M&Ms in my weekend bag.  I can have a treat that will not cost me anything sometime this week.  I also found half a soda in the fridge so I did not have to but one for later.

I went to the Philly Pretzel place that opened up recently.  The pretzels were 3 for $2.50.  I asked for one pretzel and paid a dollar.

I went into supermarket #2 and walked around and was not tempted to buy anything except the paper for two dollars.

Food total is $42.60.

I went through my coupn stuff today and found I could electronically attach coupons to my one of my store cards.  How cool is that?  The next few days will be getting a binder together to keep / sort them.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 3

Today was a good day.

I told my friend I could not take her home next week because my shift was changed. I will make sure to call her during the week to see how she is doing.  Not having to do the extra trip every day will save some gas.

Since I am in early, I don't know if I will be getting to Starbucks this week.  I have an unused gift card that will help me pay for my daily treat.

There was a concert I wanted to go to at NJPAC and was able to make it.  Ticket and parking were $40 total.  I hadn't done a culure thing for a few weeks and I really enjoyed myself.  I chatted with one of the ushers and they have a program for folks to volunteer to wokr at events there.  I will try to call them on Monday.  Low Dough evenings - gotta love it.  I also found out that Whoopi Goldberg is
coming to NJPAC in June.  I will see if I can rearrange my schedule to see her.

I spent a dollar on the paper.  There were some baked goods that were tempting, but none of them were red velvet.

Food total $39.60. The fridge is fairly full so I don't need anything.  The next few days will be trying to start a coupon stash to help stretch the food budget.

Friday, March 1, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 2

I spent a dollar on the paper this morning. I didn't have to do taxi service and was able to go home and get to bed earlier than usual.

I chatted with my boss and found out my bonus was more than I anticipated.  I will be able to enjoy myself in Hawaii and contribute to my Big Vacation Fund.

Today's search was for candy recipes.  I have been craving chocolate and I still can't bring myslef to pay a dollar for a candy bar. It is amazing that the scottish parts rears it head over such a thing. I found some truffle recipes that seemed pretty easy and all I need is heavy cream.  I also found a chocolate cany recipe that I actually have all the ingredients for in my shelves.

After a few days of searching, I found a website that carries all the essential oils I want and perfumery supplies.  After the bills are paid this month, I will get the stuff I want to make the bath salts and start on my own calming fragrance.

I am working on a workable allownace.

Food total is $38.60

Thursday, February 28, 2013

BACH  Glissando - Day 1

Today was shopping and gas day.

I went to my primary supermarket and found a water melon for what I would pay for it.  It is not the best but better than the last one I had.  I decided to get the cooking soups and will work with them this weekend.

Total for store 1 was $22.83 with $13.05 savings. I then went to the gas station and saved $3.62 from my gas card. I only got .1 more gallons than normal.  Getting rid of the extra stuff in the trunk helped me use less gas and even though I did extra driving, it took the whole weeek to gas up.

I went to my secondary supermarket and found meat for my neighbor.  I also bought stuff to make a sauce and a box of pasta.    I went home and cooked for the both of us and was able to give him dinner for the next six day.  I am have for a week with cooked protein  for the week.  I treated myself to a beautiful yellow pepper for my salads. Total for Store 2 $14.77 with $6.43 savings.

Total for the food for the week- $37.60 with savings of $23.10.  I still have money for the papers and any great manager specials for my neighbor.

Tomorrow, I make my lenten lottery deposit.  I think I will use that money for a few new pieces of clothing for my trip.  I lost a bunch of weight and I do not have a lot of summer stuff.  I have some time before my vacation so I hope I can find a few things.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

BACH Intermezzo - Day 7

I bought my ticket for Hawaii this morning after I got off from work. I shopped around for an hour before pressing the "I Agree" button but was able to save about $175 from what I was willing to pay and am traveling at the times I wanted.

When I did my taxi run this morning, I had the woman I drive home everyday buy me a six-pack of soap.  It was on sale and she gets a discount.  Again it was cheaper than putting gas in my car and I am set for soap for six months.

If I still have to taxi her around in a few weeks, I think she will buy me some paper goods.

I spent no money today and I did some recon for my weekly shop tomorrow.  I can buy some stuff to get me the $.40 / gallon off but I do not really have room for it.  I couldn't find any coupons for the items either.  I have till tomorrow morning to figure out if Iwill get them or not.

I can buy two pack of proteins if I get a good deal on them and I still have money for dinners for my downstairs neighbor.

Food total for the week $66.48.  I need to be creative to lower the number next week.  Then I can see what I saved for the first month of the BACH period in my life.

I called an old friend and decided to go to the Philadelphia Flower Show this year.  I just need to see where I can stay on Friday night.  It will be hard not coming back with a car filled with plants. I have two weeks to figure out what I can safely spend.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

BACH Intermezzo - Day 6

My work schedule was changed today soI did  not doa taxi run but did not spend a dime today.  I didn't
do a coffe run before work because I was dogged tired.  I packed enough food so I wouldn't feel hungry and I treated myself to #3 / #8 choclates in my desk.

I made my lottery deposit today for Tuesday/ Wednesday.

Since I only went to work and back, I should be able to make it to Thursday before getting gas.

Food bill for the week  still holding at $66.48.

Monday, February 25, 2013

BACH Intermezzo - Day 5

I spent no money on food today.  I lounged around and caught up on my DVR viewing.

I was looking on line and I found an Edamame Fried Rice recipe that I do not have to buy anything for to make.  Will try it on Wednesday or Thursday.

Tomorrow I probably need to get gas.  The price went up the last week but I think I have enough points on my shopping card to get 10 cents off a gallon.  Luckily I do not have to go to Master Gardener Class this week so I will be able to stretch the tank another day.

Food total  holding at $66.48

Sunday, February 24, 2013

BACH Intermezzo -Day 4

I was dogged tired and I bought a soda to get through the day - church, greenhouse work, cantata practice and concert.

I went back to Supermarket #2 and spent $9.01. It put me over for the week but I was able to give my neighbor two more things so I feel he is set for the week and I did not have to do any actual cooking.  I will have to be creative next week so save the overage.  I feel up to the challenge.

Food total is $66.48.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

BACH Intermezzo - Day 3

I got off work and went to the other supermarket I frequent. I was able to get a few things for my neighbor and the paper.  Total was $6.78. Hopefrully, there will be manager specials to be had tomorrow. I treated myself to some fancy dancy potato chips and were very disappointed.  I should(and could) come up with my own flavors.

I decided to go to the Asian market for a fruit and veggie run before I did taxi service.  The Lord was good to me and red seedless grapes were on sale for $1.69 / lb. I was stoked.  I also got a huge cantaloupe for $1.69.  My total was $10.74

Total for the week is $56.47.

I went and got stuff for my guys for Easter. I spent the usual amount and was able to find Sea Salt in the dollar store.  I will make myself a salt scrub in the next week.

Friday, February 22, 2013

BACH Intermezzo - Day 2

I had a rough start to my day. I got up exhausted and was out the door late for gardening class. The usual 35 minute drive was 55 minutes today.  GRRRRRRR.  Luckily, I had .5 mug of coffe in the car so I didn't feel the need to stop for a caffine fix.  The Lord also provided small chocolate cupcakes for snack - is he not a good and loving God.

I went to Starbucks and loaded my card ( had .88 balance) so I am good for another two week. I aslo know that I should be getting a free drink in the next wo weeks so that will stretch out my coffee monies.

I actually put a dent in the food in my refigerator this week because I made sure I packed lunch everyday.  I have enough protein for most of next week already.  I will try to get another two day's worth from the freezer.

Over the weekend, I need to do a fruit a vegetable (mostly salad stuff) run.

I did taxi service this morning and spent $1 for the paper because a lot of time, they do not have one on Fridays at Starbucks buy the time I get there.

Food total is $38.95

Thursday, February 21, 2013

BACH Intermezzo - Day 1

I had a wonderful saving kind of day.

I went shopping at saved $19.08 without using a single coupon - trust me,next week I will have them at the ready.  I then went to the gas station and using my supermarket card, saved another $4.97.  Very cool beans.  I was able to get two things for my downstairs neighbor and I still have $5 budgeted for him.

I was very sad that the chocoalte bars prices had just been raised to $1.00. I was not a happy camper but I neede one for later in the day and it was the biggest one I found for a buck.  I only ate half of it so I saved some for work so I won't go to the vending machine when I am exhausted.

Food total for the week - $37.95.
BACH Fugue Day 7-

Today was a good saving kind of day.  I did taxi service with a side trip to Walmart and did not manage to purchase anything.

I realized that my gas could go one more day and like last week, I would need about .5 gallons more than usual. 

I get to use my credits tomorrow from my store card to save on the gas I will get.

Found out that I will have to purchase parmesan cheese.  The last time I used it was almost nine months ago and what I did have did not survive the  nine-day Sandy power outage.

Printed some coupons out for things I wanted.  Found a site that has coupons for a lot of househols cleaners as well as food.  More data mining will help me see if this is really worth the effort.

In my recipe search, I found a recipe for butter chicken that did not use 3 cups of heavy cream and crushed whole tomoatoes.  I could make a bigger batch to use up a whole can of tomato paste but I need to check with my friends to see if this freezes well. The only thing I need to get is ginger paste and I will see in the morning if it exists at my primary store.

I saved $5.04 for the first two weeks - not bad considering I went over my projected budget the first week.  In the next two days, I will plan what I need for the whole week and try to get it in four shopping trips- the days I do taxi service.

Let's see if I can save at least that next week for my Hawaii trip nest egg.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

BACH Fugue - Day 6

When I went to to taxi duty today, I found no manager specials but I did find the most beautiful asparagus I had seen in a long while and as a bonus I saw blood oranges.  My total for today was $6.12.

I can make it one more day before I have to fill the gas tank.

There is a work event this wekend but it will cost me at least $15 for parking.  I think I will pass and catch up on my reading and shredding.

I was doing some research and found some potato chip recipes (one is for the microwave and only 2 points) and I get to use my mandoline.  I can feel a batch coming on this weekend. 

Food and snacks are good until the weekend. 

I saw a mint pesto and pasta dish on TV this week.  Pesto is really easy to make.  I hope that all I have to purchase for it is the mint.  More on that tomorrow.

Food total for the week is $51.30 - on track for what I wanted to spend.

On the horizon is new shoes for work.  I will have about two months before I really need them so I have some time to shop around. 

The next thing I need to begin to focus on is my closet.  I would love to have a porch / garage sale and get money for all of my excess stuff but at best they are a crap shoot.  I will percolate on how to turn closet excess into cash.

Monday, February 18, 2013

BACH Fugue - Day 5

I had to watch a very interesting 10 year old today.  It has been awhile since I have fed a small person and I forget house simple their tastebuds are.  I thought I had stuff in the house to give him lunch but I ended up buying hot dogs (not the $5 ones he wanted) and white bread.  He was the proverbial clam though he wanted me to take him to "On The Border" for lunch.  I explained that I would not think about treating him to lunch without his siblings. 

I did taxi service today and bought juice, milk, cookies and a bag of Sour Patch kids candy for my little charge.  If he misbehaved the candy would go back to the store.  Total $9.97.  There were bakery samples out so we both got some free crumbcake for the way home.  I was very pleased to open the bag for him at 4:15PM because he had behaved himself all day.

We later went to the Asian store to get fruit.  $5.47 - I actually got a pint of blueberries for $1.99.  I also got some potatoes for homemade chips later this week.

We zipped over to Shop Rite for hot dogs and white bread (the uneaten stuff went home with him).  I also got a bag of Nestle Crunch hearts (1/2 price valentine stuff).

Total today was $25.29.  My charges mother gave me $30.00 to watch him so I basically came out even.

I found maragrine so I didn't have to buy any today.

Cleaned out the refirgerator and I have to pay myself $8 for some of the food I let get to science project status.  I have enough cooked protein to last me the rest of the week. I made a box of pasta to use the sauce I have sitting in the fridge.  With the fruit I purchased today, it should hold me till the weekend- unless I see red seedless grapes on manager special somewhere.

I have not found any manager specials for my neighbor yet.
Food total for the week - $45.18 

Tomorrow's job will be setting up my snack area.  This means making sure I have packaged snacks for the rest of the week so no money goes to the vending machines.  I also start a recipe search for cookie recipes that are not that bad for you.  I have stuff to make at least one batch this week - I will share them with the guys who work for me.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

BACH Fugue - Day 4

It was a busy day today.  I did not do any shopping because I have yet to figure out what I can spend and I still have food in the fridge. I need some fruit but since I have to do taxi service as well as babysit all day tomorrow for an 11 year old, I didn't have to have to buy anything.

At church, the pastor spoke of using your money wisely. Being a fellow Scot, he is cheap. I chatted with him of my BACH project and on a whim, told him I would let him know how much I saved at the end of the year.  It gives me a definite time frame to shoot for so we will see.

In the car I was thinking of things I could spend less on.  My soda comsumption came to mind.  I usually buy them on the weekend to drive with.  I have to look at employee sales to see if they are cheap enough so I can get a few cases so I just need to keep a cold one in the fridge.

I had about an hour free between things I had to do so I decided not to go home and sit in my house for 20 minutes and then leave. I wen to Starbucks and found I had a free drink on my card - yeah.  I went to Stop and Shop and walked arounf for 30 minutes and only bought the paper.

Today's total - $2.

Week's Total - $19.89

Saturday, February 16, 2013

BACH Fugue Day 3-

I ran all day today. 

Got gas and as I suspected, I needed just under a half a gallon more than I usually get.

Went to Shop Rite and found the Valentine items on sale. I bought a bag of snack sized candy that will last me a month, some chocolate peeps (how cool is that) and a package of cookie cutters for $1.84.  I also bought a bunch of energy bars that I use at work for when I don't have time to pack a meal.  Total shop was $14.69.

Went to a book swap and got four new books for $0.00.  I found a present for my 8 year old that was half of what I had originally planned to spend and spent $1.60 for a soda to help me on the drive to her house.

When I was in the first supermarket, I saw that I could get 40 cents a gallon off if I bought 7 items of a particlar category.  It is something I use and I actually need to buy it.  I will have to do a small shop this week and I will try to limit my manager special money to $8.50.

Total for the week for food is $17.89.

Friday, February 15, 2013

BACH Fugue - Day 2

Today, I took care of the business at hand that I was wondering about yesterday.  I was able to come up with the .5 Benjamin I needed to spend.  Truly.....I am a BACH today.

The only food outlay was $1.60 for a soda after I got my hair done - I was dogged tired and I was trying to keep away from the chocolate. 

Food total is $1.60 for the week. I took some snacks in that my neighbor left me and I was really grateful for not having to put money in the vending machines.

I need to get gas when I leave in the morning.  I will probably by .5 gallon more than usual but I did not want to hop on and off the road during evening rush hour. It evens out with me getting it a little earlier last week.

I have to buy a present for an 8 year old tomorrow but it was already planned for and will not break the bank. I can't wait to go to her party and hang out with the family.

During the next week, I have to start looking at how I am going to garden this year with no money.  I wonder if my creativity can extend to my back yard.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

BACH Fugue - Day 1

I went to get some business taken care of this monring and found out I have to come up with another $200.00 that I did not budget on.  So it seems that once again, I have more month than money hence my fugual state.  I was sore distressed and on the way home went over scenarios in my brain to see where I could pull the two Benjamins out of my raggedy hat.  I found one Benny and I am looking hard for the second.

I came home and looked at my fridge and decided I have enough protein to get me through till next week.  I am now glad I made cupcake bites instead of cupcakes so I have enough red velevet to last me almost a week.  I came downstaris to see that both of the food containers I have my downstairs neighbor were waiting for me - glad he enjoyed it.  He gave me a bag of lunchbox size snacks so I do not have to go near the vending machine for the next week.  The only thing I need are a few things for my salty tooth and I have a oven potato chip recipe I want to try.

I put in a call to my brother to see if and whn he is going to pay me back and it is ten days later than we originally agreed on. I promise not to faint when I see it in my hand.

I went to class which is the most gas I use during the week.  I got a little bit of a late start but traffic was slow but steady going there and it was smooth sailing coming back.  Depending on what I do tomorrow, I might be able to holf off on gas until Sat before I run for my life this weekend.

My food outlay for the last week was $63.66 - it was a little more than I had wanted to spend ($60) but I felt I had to help my downstairs neighbor. I will see if I can save the overage next week.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

BACH Movement - Day 7

Made a small trip to the grocery store and found out that I did not have to do taxi duty.  I wanted to see if there were any manager specials today and they were not but I got a great price on the only package of boneless skinless chicken thighs they had so I can have another batch of butter chicken.

I actually used all my eggs in this batch of baking.  It is a great thing I can buy a half -dozen eggs at the of the stores I frequent.

Spend $11.30 for a total of  $63.66 for the week.  Gas is still good but I have to go to class tomorrow and we will see how the tank gauge is after I get home.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

BACH Movement Day 6

I actually did not spend any money today - got out of work very late and I was close to whoo-whoo.

Still holding t $52.36 for food.  I still have enough gas for  a couple of days. I will try to go the weekend with spending less than $10.

An automatic deduction hit my accoutnt today- have to put it into the budget.

Monday, February 11, 2013

BACH Movement day 5-

Today I did some more shopping for my downstairs neighbor.  Got a bunch of manager's specials and he is set up for a while

Spent $11.40  Total of 52.36

Start to work on the rest of the month budget.
Lent is a few days away and I am still figuring out what I want to give up.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

BACH Movement Day 4

I actually had to spend money today (first set of monthly bills) - it felt weird after not doing so for days.

Still tweaking the money buckets I have for the month and realizing I still need a slush fund for unexpected things - like my windshield wipers that died during the snow storm on Friday night into Saturday.

I also saw the cat food was needing to be replenished.  Fatbutt  my name of for the cat) and his mother were both eating and the past few days did not go far afield to forage.  I went to Walmart and bought a large bag of food, 4 cans and a bag of treats. They will be good for 2 weeks.

I also replaced my tights for $4.56 - Total at Walmart $18.50

I chatted with my downstairs neighbor who has been unemployed for 18 months. He is low on food so I decidede I would give him some meat and he could use whatever monies he had to supplement it.  He also dug the driveway out to my car  and salted under my tires so I could roll back out to park on the street so he could finish the driveway and also dug out a space for me to park in.

I bought a pack of chicken legs and made a sauce to go over them and made him a pot of rice. He'll be good for a few days.

Total on food $40.96.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

BACH Movement - Day3

It snowed all of Friday night and I had to stay a full shift at work but I was glad that I did because the roads had been plowed and driving was slow going but okay.

I stopped down the street and found the lady I usually drive home had just gotten into work and was not going to be ready to go until noon so no taxi service for me.

I bought the paper and headed home.

Total for the week - $33.38.

Friday, February 8, 2013

BACH Movement - Day 2

Today - it was prep for the big snow storm that was coming through the area - we're talking anywhere from 1 -18" depending on the winds.  It took me 15 minutes in line to get gas -I was just under half a tank so it will cost me less than when I normally spend.

I went to the grocers and spent $10.90 on snow prep including a paper (Starbucks might not be open late).  I'll be good for a couple of days with the exception of the weekend Sudoku.

Worked on the budget and came up with a number I want to spend on food every week so I can sock money away for my vacation nest egg.  I will make the first depsoit next week.

I tried to buy a bag of M&Ms today but the machine gave me a Twix bar but more imprortantly charged me a whole dollar for it. I will be making sure I carry snacks from home for the rest of this movement.

Wanted to pamper myself so I going to try and make a sugar scrub.  I need to buy essentail oil. Have to do a little research to see where the nearest place to get them is -Hope to find mimosa - love the scent. I would also love lavendar vanilla but I can mix the two single scents.

Found out that my concert for tomorrow is postponed until 11 May.

My next project on the horizon is my gardening.  I will try to do a Bach inspired garden and hope it can be as soon as the ones I usually do.  Gotta love a challenge. 

Food toal is $32.38 for the week.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

BACH Movement -

Today, I am only slightly less BACH than yesterday. Working on the budget for the next three months, I figured out that I need to spend less at the gorcery store - no worries, it is not the food part of the trip, it is "oooh, I think I'll try this and that and this" and never use the stuff.
Bought a bag of M&Ms because I was exhausted after two days with no sleep, just got a text that my follwing supervisor was coming in an hour late and I still had at least 10.5 hours to go before sleeping and soda was cramping my stomach.
Went to the Asian store for some fruit and veggies and spent more than I had wanted to. Found pizza flavored snack crisps - they were okay but I probably won't desperately need to get them again. My treat for the week is mini red bean mooncakes.
I came home and had breakfast because on Thursdays I do not have taxi service.

$21.48 for this week.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BACH Interlude - Day 7

Today, I made cookies for the guys who work for me. I also made a batch of spaghetti sauce that was really good.  Everything came out of my pantry so I did not have to spend a cent - very cool beans.

I also also spoke to my cable provider and was able to shave off $30 / month from my bill.  Now I have to decide what I really want to look at and to get a cheaper monthly package.

My total for the week spent is still $13.51. I am proud of myself.  The fridge is a little less full and I found things in the pantry I want to use so I will continue to be creative in the food department. I did miss the lottery tickets but I need to pay to Hawaii so I will be alright. I found an old piggy bank that I can use for my vaca nest egg.

Phase 2 begins tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BACH Interlude - Day 6

Today was a fun day.  The person I have been doing taxi service for the last three months paid me with laundry detergent - old fashioned bartering.

I also had almost 5 gallons of gas in a jug that I gotten for Hurricane Sandy and did not use and I put in in the tank so I do not need to buy gas for a few more days.

I found a bag of chocoalates on a shelf in the kitchen so I am able to take care my sweet tooth until the weekend.

Did not spend any money today so my total is holding at $13.51.

Have a few things in the works for phase 2 of the trip nest egg - filled out a health questionaire at work that will get me some money and if I complete a doable plan, I get a bonus. Hm....getting healthy and getting paid - sounds good to me.

Monday, February 4, 2013

BACH Interlude -Day 5

Today I had to consciously decide not to do laundry after planning on it for the last three days - the reason..... I had no laundry deteregent anf gettin some would blow my budget.  I decided to go old school and wash some stuff in the tub to carry me through till the weekend when I can afford soap and the money to do my wash.

I made a pot of rice for meals this week and realized I can make a pot of spaghetti sauce with sausage I have instead of buying a pack of ground turkey.  The sauce fixings are all in the pantry.

I was jonesing for snacks today and found I had a pint of Hagen-Daz in the freezer.  I couple of spoonfuls and I was good to go.

Found coupons that I will sift through tomorrow for the next phase of my trip nest egg.

I spent nothing today. My total for thei week is still $.13.51.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

BACH Interlude Day 4-

Today was a little hard for me.  I got up late and ran to church without my morning stop at the lottery place and soda to keep awake in church.

After church, I went to McDonalds with two of my friends and their kids.  Spent $2.45 for lunch so I had to forgo buying the Sunday paper.

Sunday is usually my weekly grocery shop but I had to skip it today as week as my weekly treats at the Asian store.

Total for the week is $13.51.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

BACH Interlude / Movement / Canon / Fugue

Title is a work in progress. The BACH acronym came to me less than half an hour after my last post. The muscial movement part of the name should gel in the next few days.

Today is unusal for most folks but those in the manufacturing realm refer to it as a short swing.  I left the plant at 7:25AM and was back at 1:45PM (A lot less than eight hours).  I came back earlier than I wanted to because I was sleepy and knew if I didn't get up at that particular moment, I would be very late.  So in the first stages of delirium, I rushed through my grooming and headed out the door. I made sure I got my Starbucks stop in - my card had been loaded before the experiment so I am good until funds are replenished.

I found a paper that had already been read in the bin and I did not have to buy one today- Yeah. 

I did buy lottery tickets this morning ($4 with no ROI) so my weekly total is $11.06.

I got treated to lunch by a coworker and had a wonderful duck dinner - I definitely will go to Noodle Go Go again but after this experiment is over.

I was thinking about the next phase of my experiment and how I can add to my trip spending money fund.  I looked up recipes for the some of the snacks I enjoy and the next time I go shopping, I will do some experimenting.  Tomorrow, I get to do menu planning based on what's in my pantry.

Broke Child Experiment - Day 2

It seems I forget two other things that I regulary spend money on -  one is an outside cat that I feed (who has no concept that I am cash strapped at the moment) and lottery tickets (never seen a good ROI on them but... it is "A Dollar And A Dream.")

I bought a bag of cat food for $3.21 and $5 in lottery tickets ( got $2 for net layout of $3)

My total this week is $7.06. 

As I looked at my finances gain, I realized I really need to be a broke child until April when I go on a family vacation.  As part of my ongoing broke childness, I canceled my NetFlix account today.  I also found out that they do no prorate their service, so I will not get a refund for the 14 days I do not use their service. I know for next time.

I chatted with folks at work about my my experiment and ideas for free and nearly free things to do for the next few months.  Museums are not on the list unless they are extremely unusual  because I had culture overload as a child thanks to my daddy who insisted we do the culture thing.   Got a few good ideas.

I need to come up with some kind of catchy name for this period in my life - hope it will come to me soon.

Friday, February 1, 2013

A "Broke" Experiment-

For the first time in a long time, I have more month than money.  The last two months have been filled with unexpected money pits and I find myself essentially fundless until my next check. I'm talking it's time to break open the piggy bank and scrounge for change under the sofa cushions.  I do not regret being generous, I have have to go into starving student mode for a bit.  I wondered to myself if I could still pull off not being broke.  I had to asses my pantry, medicine cabinet, gas tank and leisure plans before I figured out what I could spend until I got paid again.

I have a fridge full of food so I won't starve and I just have to get out of the Asian habit of going to the grocery store every day. The only thing I might run out of is snacks but that can be overcome by being creative.  I need to try to lower my salty / sugary junk intake anyways.

I usually restock my medicine cabinets at the end of January, but oddly enough, thanks to Superstorm Sandy, I am in good shape for a few more months.

I have a concert ticket and it is two weeks out so I will be good.  I need to work on my writing, so I can amuse myself for hours working on my next rash of dialouge and if I need other distractions, I have books to read and puzzles to solve. I wonder what other hobbies there are that are basically cashless - some research is in order.

With all of that in place, I am setting out to only spend gas money plus $30 in the next six days.

This morning, I filled up my tank.  I did not have to do daily shuttle service, so I got home early and had a leisurely dinner for breakfast.

I didn't pack a full lunch bag so I treated myself to a bag of chips at work - 85 cents. 

Looking forward to the rest of the week.