Tuesday, March 19, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 6

Today I spent no money but it wasn't because I did not want to - I was plum exhausted.

I went to see if I had to do taxi duty for the first time in two weeks and thankfully I did not. I went home and had breakfast.  I had to call back to work to see if something was ordered so I did not get to bed until late.

I will try and do a pantry run over the weekend.  I hope the asian store has the rice I like restocked - they had small bags but I like to get a big bag and not worry for at least three months.

I have a little bit before the trip and I need to see if I have clothes to wear.  Still working on getting luggage.

Food total $35.22.  Allowance $0.00

Monday, March 18, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 5

Today was a recoup day.  I slept in and bascically styed on the couch until it was time to go to work. 

I paid off a bill and paid down another today. I think I can swing another one later in the week.

Did some research today on recipes to make energy bars.  I found one that did not have things I can't do in it.  I will put in on my list for the next time I want to experiment with recipes.  I will see if they have one without nuts so my sister can try them.

I deposited $13 in my lottery bucket today because the powerball is over $200 million for Wednesday.

Food total  $35.22.  Allowance is 0.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 4

I was at work until 3:15AM this morning.

I went home and crawled into bed for a few hours.  I made it to church at 10:39 and went straight to the nursery- taking care of the babaies was the only reason I was able to crawl out of bed.

I had to get gas and it was .2 less than what I usually get. I did not have any points to get anyting off but I should be able to use the card the next time I need to gas up. I am amazed that I did eight days on that tank.

After class, I went to the greehouse and I only had an hour of work.  I was okay with it.  I was able to go shopping before cantata practice.  I got a two pack of chicke legs for $.79.   I also did recon for some stuff I need to get- coffee, tomamto sauce, toilet paper to name a few.  Supermarket 2 came in at $9.03.

I stopped at the asian store and got some fruit.  I found chicken hearts at a price I would pay. I saw mini mooncakes and I bought myself a pack- 4 for $3.25 is a little steep but it is my comfort purchase today.  The rice that I usually buy in the large bag was not available.  Asian store total $15.21.

I still have a bunch food in the fridge.With the protein bought and cooked today, I should be good for lunches for a few days.

Food total is $35.22.  I have not used any allowance money this week.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 3

It was a rough day.  I was exhausted from the week and I got to work just before the shift started.

I got treated to fried rice and roasted duck.  It was a very hard day and the duck went a long way to make me feel better.

I went to Starbucks and said hello to my baristas who I hadn't seen  in almost two weeks. 

I am amazed that I can wait another day to get gas.

Food total $10.98.   Allowance $15.84

Friday, March 15, 2013

BACH Humoresque - Day 2

Today I had great news - my downstairs neighbor told me he got a job!!! I am so excited for him. I gave him the stuff I scored yesterday.  He told me he was very appreciative for all the food I have given him in the past two years.

The Lord was kind to me today.  I called about a tour for my family trip and found out that since I only wanted to change the date, they did not have to charge me the cancellation fee.  I also booked a second tour that was a little cheaper than the first one.  The agent also told me about weather there for when I should be there.

 Knocked off another bill today.   It felt good.  I alos put another $4 in the lottery jar since I found out that the Powerball is over 200 million. I really want to play it but it it still lent so I will keep my fast.

I went past Lowe's today and saw plants outside.  I am sorely temptes but haven;t figured out ow much to spend on the garden this year.  I still have a few weeks.

I went to Supermarket #1 and got the weekly circular and did some recon.  There is a deal I' m interested in tomorrow.

I bought a paper for a dollar.

Food total is $11.98 for the week.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

BACH  Humoresque - Day 1

I got free breakfast today courtesy of Starbucks.

I went to Supermarket 2 and found specials for my downstairs neighbor.  He still has $3.60 lesft for the week. I found a great sale but it is frozen and I can't get it until tomorrow. 

I am going to try my truffle recipe this weekend and needed some semi-sweet morsels.  I found a printable coupon that the store doubled. Yeah.

Chatted with my sister and I am going to book tours for our trip - I can't believe it is soon.  It is going to be a blast.

Paid off some bills and I have one more to work on in the next two months.  Found out a friend is doing a walkathon and I pledged some money.  It will be worth a few more pasta dishes to sponsor him .  I still have at least seven days worth of prepared protein in the fridge so I don't have to do a big shop until later in the weekend.

Food total is $10.98 for the week.  I want to go over this week a bit so I can do some pantry rebuild.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 7

Went to Walmart and got my $3.08 refund today.

Spent no money.Will need gas in the next few days.

Worked on the budget and I will always be a BACH if I don't win the lottery or marry rich.

Food Total - $54.11 and Allowance $14.17.

Found truffle recipes which I will try this weekend.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 6

Went to the dollar store before work and found 2 laundry bags for $4.04.  I will take the one back to Walmart tomorrow.

I made cashew butter today before work and took a CB&J in for lunch.  It could have been a teensy bit smoother but it didn't matter when I spread it on the bread.

 Off the top of my head, I need to buy a bag of rice (20lb. for somewhere near 20 bucks.)  I also am low on fire roasted pureed tomoatoes and BBQ sauce - I will see the cost of buying vs. making a batch..  I will go through the cabinets to see what else I need.

Realized I need to replace my luggage.  I was not planning on doing that but the stuff I have is 15 years old and tearing.  I will be praying for a great sale and I can actually have a choice of luggage.

Food total $54.11 and $17.25 of my allowance but I will get a refund tomorrow.

Monday, March 11, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 5

I spent no food money but I found I needed to replace a lightbulb in my hallway. It cost $2.13

I also have to replace my laundry bags that have been holding on by a wing and a prayer.  I went to Wakmart and they did not have the ones I wanted and the one I picked up was $3.08.  I will go the dollar store tomorrow and see if I can get the ones I really want and hope they are cheaper.

I reloaded the starbucks card so I should be good till the weekend.

I was looking through the pantry and saw I needed to replace some staples.  I will make a list over the next few days and see how I will pay for it.

I ate my last piece of chocolate - it took my 12 days to finish my valentines' heart. I will try to do the truffles soon.

Food total is still $54.11 and $13.21 from the allowance.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 4

I didn't realize I was weary until I was telling myself I could not fall down in the supermarket because it would not do.

I hit a gold mine for my neighbor and I still had 25 cents left of what I budgeted for him.  Store 2 was $23.33

I went to the Asian store and got a lot of fruit and the coolest lunch set I have seen in a while - a collapsible fork, spoon and chopstick set for $2.00 that I can leave I can leave in my desk.  All I need is a knife. Got some stuff for the cooking pantry and I was able to get a bag of nagaimo ends for $1.55.  Recipe search for this evening.  Total was $25.53.  Saved 8.33.

I put $4 in the lottry bucket.

Food total for the week is $54.11.  I will probably go over a little this week but will do what I can to make it up next week.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 3

I went to Philly today and spent the day with Flora, my best friend.  Since I did not see her for her birthday last year, I treated her for the day.

We went to a diner and had waffles and scrapple (a Philly thing). We went to the Flower Show and Reading Terminal.  I bought some beautiful asparagus for $2.  I bought raw sugar at the Amish stand and saw that it has only gone up .10/ lb since I started using the jar I put it in at least 15 years ago. I was able to stay under my budget for the day.  I had the energy bars I brought home yeterday on the trip so I only needed to buy something to drink.  I wonder if there is something I can plug into my cigarette lighter so I can keep drinkd cold in the car on long trips -worth looking into.

I had to get gas on the way back but only stopped 6 times between when I gassed up and pulled up at my door.  I went to the supermarket and was able to get the day's paper so I could to the crossword.  I didn't see anything to pick up for my neighbor.  Maybe I will have better luck tomorrow.  I also got cat food so Fatbutt is good for the next rwo weeks.

Food total - $4.25 for a total of $5.25 for the week.

Friday, March 8, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 2

I was off today and had things to do before I head out to Philly.  Got my hair done and bought a tire and an oil change - all of them much needed.  I set up my hair appointment for four weeks out.  I tried to get my coolant topped off but the garage said I didn't need it.  We will see.  I just need one more tire and I should be able to get that into two weeks.

I amost paid off another credit card today.  I will clear it in two weeks and can put whatever I buy at the flower show on it - it is my garden credit card after all ;).

I bought a paper for a dollar.  Since I am goin to Philly tomorrow, I don't need to go shopping until I get back.  My neighbor gave me a bag of rice - that was sweet. I will use it when I cook for him in the next few weeks.

Before the weekend is up, I want to see how much I saved in coupons so I can add it to my Hawaii nest egg. 

Food Total is $1.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

BACH Adaggio - Day 1

I worked days today and sat in a meeting for four hours.  I bought lunch for $8.00 - a huge burger and fries.  I wanted to have lunch with the receptionist but I came early so I ended up eating with a fellow supervisor.  I had Master Gardening class this evening but I did not make a pit stop for a soda.  We actually got out a little early and I was able to get to bed early. 

I paid off a credit card today.  It felt good.  When I was checking my bank account, I saw a charge I didn't remember making.  I called them up and found out it was automatic renewal for a magazine I get.  I called up and had them take the auto charge off.

Food Total for the week is still $0. because the burger was out of my allowance.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 7

I worked 2nd shift today and I felt it.   I had the M&Ms I found during the week and I really needed them.  I bought extra snacks to get me through the evening.

I also had a free drink on my Starbucks card so I didn't have to reload until the weekend. 

Food total for the week is $42.60 . I was able to save $10.92 on food for the last two weeks and a total of $15.96 for the last four weeks.  Into the Hawaii nest it will go.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 6

I made an unusual discovery today- I actually have consumed most of the food that was in my refrigerator five days ago.  Because I am on day shift, I have to pack a food because I leave so early (6AM start). I was thinking I had run out of protein but I found a veal chop for tomorrow and I still have stuff in the freezer.

There is a snowstorm heading this way that is supposed to be here tomorrow night.  I did not pack in but I have at least three more days food before I feed the need to do serious cooking again.  I also have snacks so if the store has little on the shelves, I will be alright.

Started looking at my shopping list for Thursday.  I won't be getting the .40/gallon off this week because I do not need anything that they are offering to get it.  I might be able to swing .20/gallon off.

I am supposed to be going to Philly this weekend.  The more I think about it, the more I just want to go for Saturday.  I bought two gallons of oil because I used the last of what I had and I need to get an oil change.  Another quart will keep me until Friday and I still have on at the ready.

Food total is still holding at $42.60.

Monday, March 4, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 5

Today was a good day.  I found out how much my bonus and raise actually are. I will stay on another year and plan where I can go next year.

I had an empty food container waiting for me when I got home which means my neighbor enjoyed the chicken I made.  Glad it was enjoyed.

I spent no money today.  Food total is holding at $42.60.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 4

It was a day of suprises.  I found a bag of M&Ms in my weekend bag.  I can have a treat that will not cost me anything sometime this week.  I also found half a soda in the fridge so I did not have to but one for later.

I went to the Philly Pretzel place that opened up recently.  The pretzels were 3 for $2.50.  I asked for one pretzel and paid a dollar.

I went into supermarket #2 and walked around and was not tempted to buy anything except the paper for two dollars.

Food total is $42.60.

I went through my coupn stuff today and found I could electronically attach coupons to my one of my store cards.  How cool is that?  The next few days will be getting a binder together to keep / sort them.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 3

Today was a good day.

I told my friend I could not take her home next week because my shift was changed. I will make sure to call her during the week to see how she is doing.  Not having to do the extra trip every day will save some gas.

Since I am in early, I don't know if I will be getting to Starbucks this week.  I have an unused gift card that will help me pay for my daily treat.

There was a concert I wanted to go to at NJPAC and was able to make it.  Ticket and parking were $40 total.  I hadn't done a culure thing for a few weeks and I really enjoyed myself.  I chatted with one of the ushers and they have a program for folks to volunteer to wokr at events there.  I will try to call them on Monday.  Low Dough evenings - gotta love it.  I also found out that Whoopi Goldberg is
coming to NJPAC in June.  I will see if I can rearrange my schedule to see her.

I spent a dollar on the paper.  There were some baked goods that were tempting, but none of them were red velvet.

Food total $39.60. The fridge is fairly full so I don't need anything.  The next few days will be trying to start a coupon stash to help stretch the food budget.

Friday, March 1, 2013

BACH Glissando - Day 2

I spent a dollar on the paper this morning. I didn't have to do taxi service and was able to go home and get to bed earlier than usual.

I chatted with my boss and found out my bonus was more than I anticipated.  I will be able to enjoy myself in Hawaii and contribute to my Big Vacation Fund.

Today's search was for candy recipes.  I have been craving chocolate and I still can't bring myslef to pay a dollar for a candy bar. It is amazing that the scottish parts rears it head over such a thing. I found some truffle recipes that seemed pretty easy and all I need is heavy cream.  I also found a chocolate cany recipe that I actually have all the ingredients for in my shelves.

After a few days of searching, I found a website that carries all the essential oils I want and perfumery supplies.  After the bills are paid this month, I will get the stuff I want to make the bath salts and start on my own calming fragrance.

I am working on a workable allownace.

Food total is $38.60