Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why the Blog-

The idea for this blog has been rolling around in my head for a while. When chatting with a friend about how tough the time had gotten, she remarked " I have been poor all my life. If I have to be poor for another year or two, it will be just fine."

Something clicked in the back of my brain. In my catering phase of life, as part of a kitchen crew, we had to create a working kitchen in an open space, plate and serve a great four course meals and then have the space look we were never there when we left.

Being "frugal" is also a way of life for most college students. I went college late and was basically broke for 4 years- the last year I walked 45 minutes a day to get to class because I had to save my tokens to get to a part time job. That was one of the best years of my life.

A few years ago, I was out of work for the first time in my adult life. It took a long time to get a job and what little I did have had to go a long way.

In the past few months, my love for cooking and crafting has been regalvanized. I am doing this blog to show my nieces and nephews that all it takes to look great, eat really well and have a great space is a little ingenuity, time, a cast iron skillet, a glue gun and duct tape.

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