Thursday, February 21, 2013

BACH Fugue Day 7-

Today was a good saving kind of day.  I did taxi service with a side trip to Walmart and did not manage to purchase anything.

I realized that my gas could go one more day and like last week, I would need about .5 gallons more than usual. 

I get to use my credits tomorrow from my store card to save on the gas I will get.

Found out that I will have to purchase parmesan cheese.  The last time I used it was almost nine months ago and what I did have did not survive the  nine-day Sandy power outage.

Printed some coupons out for things I wanted.  Found a site that has coupons for a lot of househols cleaners as well as food.  More data mining will help me see if this is really worth the effort.

In my recipe search, I found a recipe for butter chicken that did not use 3 cups of heavy cream and crushed whole tomoatoes.  I could make a bigger batch to use up a whole can of tomato paste but I need to check with my friends to see if this freezes well. The only thing I need to get is ginger paste and I will see in the morning if it exists at my primary store.

I saved $5.04 for the first two weeks - not bad considering I went over my projected budget the first week.  In the next two days, I will plan what I need for the whole week and try to get it in four shopping trips- the days I do taxi service.

Let's see if I can save at least that next week for my Hawaii trip nest egg.

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